Australia trip | Tuesday, February 26, 2008
okay.. updates on the Australia trip.. fed up waiting for my cousin for some of the pics.. i doubt it will be sent over ... =s okay.. 13feb.. departed changi airport at around 9 plus.. took quantas flight.. well i preferred SIA better.. well.. cos the whole flight is angmo.. well im not being racist or wad.. but.. i think they treated us as if we are some aliens .. walking around on the flight.. their glares and stares.. =s ignts.. okay move on.. this is a common sign u see in the airplane toilet.. but smth that most of u will not notice is this.. . see that 'bin' for cigarette butts jus above the attendant call ? since the airplane strictly do not allow smoking.. so why the need of the 'bin' for the cigarette butts? hmmmm ... contradicting.. lol.. i frequent the airplane toilet.. cos drink too much loew.. one bottle of wine and 1 cup of whiskey.. =x.. 14feb HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! sorry piggy.. cant celebrate with u on vday.. really sorry! okay.. arrive at Melbourne airport.. the customs .. SUPER CAT.. everything check.. wad food la.. water la.. everything.. my cousin got detained cos they did nt declare that they had some instant noodles.. like wtf.. instant noodles nia.. they said gt wad dried eggs in it.. cant bring in.. so confiscated lor.. nearly tio fined 300 AUS .. FYI - AUS $ 1.00 = S$ 1.30 waited for the both of them to get out of the customs.. den took a maxi cab to the hotel.. me and my sis infront of the maxi cab.. looking quite shack.. din sleep a wink on the flight.. Meter start: $3.10 Distance : $2.20 /km and u think spore taxi fare is exp.. think again.. their cab fare is like ur heart beat.. dup dup - $0.10 dup dup -$0.10 will heartattack one.. and that kuku indian cab driver.. drove a longer way to our hotel.. =s.. book in to Crown Promenade hotel.. the interior is very grand .. and frm the room can see the yarra river.. night view.. frm the hotel room .. the building wif crown written on it is the crown casino.. so.. after putting our stuff over at the hotel ... walked over to the direct factory outlet.. DFO in short.. on the way there took a pic at yaraa river.. 1st day at melbourne was quite cold.. so tat kinda explains the scarf.. lol.. the exhibition centre was near there as well.. yup.. so .. its shopping all the way for the 1st day.. DFO stuff is not tat cheap.. unless u like some of the branded brands.. den mayb cheap for u.. okay.. so around 2 plus.. me my sis as well as my cousin and her bf.. WALKED over to smith's street.. its freaking far i tell u.. oh .. the reason why headed over there cos hb said got nike and addidas factory outlets.. DFO don have.. so yup .. went over dere lor.. SHE DIN SAY THE FACTORY OUTLETS WAS AT THE END OF SMITH STREET !!! so we walked.. FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT!!! its freaking far.. so .. very good exercise for the day.. okay.. 1st day very bored.. move on.. 15feb woohoo~!!! finally.. the tours.. okay.. 1st was city tour at melbourne.. 1st stop.. Parliament house of Victoria windsor hotel - its the oldest hotel in melbourne city.. the glamorous building at the back is the Princess Theatre .. and head frm the tourguide ping.. Phantom of the opera jus ended.. Next stop.. Fitzroy garden .. the small cottage at the back is in Fitzroy garden.. so .. basically .. in the past.. Australia was a giant prison.. the british would bring all their convicts over here to lock them up.. so.. think somewhere before tt.. this captain called Captain Cook landed on the country at Melbourne.. so he is somewhat consider as the Father of the country.. aiya.. cut short... tat cottage is the cottage that this captain lived when he was small.. and the cottage was originally located in Britain .. so they dismantled the cottage brick by brick .. and transported all the way to Aus.. the Conservatory is also located in Fitzroy garden.. the flowers are really very beautiful.. very nice place.. okay.. next stop is Federation Square the building is the odd one out of the whole of melbourne because of its odd shape.. it made up of all those small triangles.. and stuff.. and all its material are all made in Aus.. the metals.. the bricks and wadeva there is.. After the citytour ended.. hopped back onto the bus and headed over to the winery.. The Gurdies Winery.. there's some history.. but shall nt touch into tt.. okay.. wine tasting! =D bought one desert/ ice wine and a bottle of chardonnay frm there.. its really kinda cheap.. esp the ice wine.. which cos around 22 AUS ? the cheapest ice wine u can find in Spore duty free.. is around 90 plus.. and speaking of tt.. it is definitely cheaper to drink wine den soft drink there.. a bottle of COKE cost $3.00 AUS .. =s So after the winery.. we headed over to Philips Island.. 1st stop is the Koala Conservation centre.. last time used to can hug and take pic wif koala.. den cos the koala go scratch the kid.. den kid tio fever.. kid parents complain.. den cant hug and take leow.. =s okay.. correction.. is the koala hug u .. not u hug kuala.. lol.. anyone care for some exotic cuisine ?  lol.. thats the excretion of koala.. and the koala baby EATS IT!!! EeeeWwww..  the closest shot i can take wif the koala.... my cousin actually took a vid of the koala walking .. and the ranger there told my cousin that he's taking his annual walk.. koala dont exactly move tat much.. and she actually managed to take a vid of tt.. very lucky.. saw a bunch of kangeroos on the way out of the centre.. we headed over to Cowes Jetty .. the scenery there was fantastic as well.. PICS ARE ON MY COUSIN CAMERA.. shall post some other time.. the attraction of the day.. the penguins! these tiny little penguins are nt the usual sized ones u see on discovery chn.. they are only around 30 - 40 cm tall nia.. super small  due to no photographing at the beach.. hence .. the only full bodied penguin pic i have is the one in the middle.. lol.. this is a shot i took in the centre.. before heading off to the beach.. the ..penguins are in these nest.. the coastal area is super cold.. hmm.. so.. the penguins leave their nest an hour before day breaks.. this is becos they are small in size hence if they leave when the sun is out.. they are preys to alot of animals.. if the penguin couple have 2 kids. each parent is incharge of each child .. meaning.. they will have to go out and fish for their kid and come back wif food at nite.. when the sun have set.. so if the papa for example.. is eaten away by sharks.. there goes the poor kid .. they will jus be at home waiting to die.. so much for rotting at home eh.. the parent onli have enuff room for one kid nia.. and they vomit out to let the kid ingest.. =s look at the sign.. the only sign in the world.. check under ur car before driving away.. the penguins maybe under the car.. as their homes maybe afew km frm the shore.. tough work.. and tats for the 1st day tour.. =DD okay.. super tired leow.. update the rest some other day.. p.s DON KB ME LOEW LA RENCE!!!!
-Signed off at 12:23 AM
| Tuesday, February 12, 2008
wooo.. gong xi gong xi again.. back frm msia kukup .. yea.. this time go wif family.. total of 4 cars went in.. reached there around 4.. gambled all the way till 8 .. den headed over for dinner.. waited super long ..more than 45 mins for the dishes to come.. den after dinner.. 10 plus leow.. go back fang pian bao.. plus the fireworks.. its nice as u cant find it or rather light it in sg.. no pics as i din take any.. =D well some random pics here.. this pic taken .. erm.. the last class gathering.. *note all trying to act as apple.. ah fat tryin to act me.. =s following 2 pics are Kiwichigo .. haha.. its basically kiwi and ichigo (strawberry) wif yoghurt.. cool right.. took like 30 mins to take the pics.. oh ya it was done for food flavors.. ubin chalet trip..  this pic somewhat made me famous in class.. lol okay.. this was me.. when i was dunno 2 or 3 yrs old.. xh say i look like charlie chaplin (spell) like meh? lol i like this pic.. looks kinda artistic.. haha.. okay.. tt's all.. no more pics leow.. oh ya.. watched sweetie tood wif rence today.. damn was it bloody.. to top it up.. IT WAS A MUSICAL... ................. 2morrow morning 2.4 training again.. 2 more days to Australia trip..
-Signed off at 12:23 AM
| Friday, February 08, 2008
新年快乐!! 恭喜发财!! new yr has been nothing but bored till this moment.. sibei sian in short.. watched CJ7 with family this afternoon .. overall its quite nice.. funny and sad at the same time.. 27 chalet settled at 20-22 march.. =D current 2.4 timing- 15.54.. napfa test date- 18 march.. 加油!
-Signed off at 1:12 AM
27 Outing at Waraku & The Clinic | Monday, February 04, 2008
Exams are finally over.. like usual.. food always last to finish our paper.. well nevertheless its over.. the end of our poly life.. met up wif 27 gang at the central.. dinner was at waraku.. the pasta there was fabulous... some evidence.. lol  even the menu look so delicious.. lol okay 1st up.. is xy and kluh's soup pasta .. dunno wad name.. but as u can see.. got bacon and yolk[the yolk still liquid form 1] the pizza that they shared.. its kinda small but tashe oishi..  last food pic that i have.. my bacon and potato pasta... damn shiok.. the rest of the pics nv take due to too irresistable food.. forgt take my parfait too.. sad.. boss and chee wee giving their thumbs up! 大姐大and 大没女.. LOL the rest of us at the other table.. sorry bout the pics.. onli have these few.. kluh and xy went home after dinner .. while the rest of us headed over to the clinic.. **** OPERATION IN PROGRESS****  6 person 7 jugs... whiskey dry as well as bourbon coke.. Disclaimer: PLs note that the following pics are not for the faint hearted.. ESPECIALLY THE LAST PIC!! PROCEED AT UR OWN RISK!!! okay.. lol.. well update more when i get more pics i suppose. .. medical check up later.. off i go.. nites!
-Signed off at 2:09 AM