| Monday, October 27, 2008
long wkend .. long AWAITED wkend.. after the 3 days of torture that we have been tru.. this wkend feels really really good.. well .. the 3 days is just a prelude of wads gonna happen in fi*ldc*mp .. tat lucky ass zo ... attend C .. miss the 3 days.. oh well... =s.. watch high sch musical 3 wif piggy on sat. it was great.. the songs was nice as well .. but still prefer the previous seasons better.. went for operation delta force 1 at chuck noris's(ryan) place ytd... all cept 1 turned up for the operation.. well went as we intended it to be.. it was fun and i jus feel tat our section are really bonded tog. just hope tat this bond will pull all of us tru the outfi*ld.. and we can stick tog as a section.. i always get emo when its gonna book in.. damn sad.. see ya next thurs ... hopefully still in one piece.. AND HOPEFULLY DON TIO GUARD DUTY !!
-Signed off at 6:11 PM
| Wednesday, October 01, 2008
wooo... finally back.. well onli 2 more hrs before goin back in.. oh well.. life is still not bad inside.. meet up soon wif those tat i haven meet soon ba.. =D
-Signed off at 6:01 PM
| Thursday, September 11, 2008
just hrs left before i book into slimming centre.. lol partly excited partly reluctant.. well all sorts of emotions.. esp after tat idiot zo told me bout the undeclared gay fuckin the bunkmate every night =s... hmmm.. kinda prayin hard tat me zo and ber would end up as platoon mates even better bunk mates.. wanna see the look of how zo will react when he is cutting his head sia.. lol.. too bad cant bring camera in.. if nt mayb got chance take it dwn lol.. oh well.. see you guys in 2.5 wks time ? good luck to us and all who are bookin in .. des ken sc .. and all .. p.s. take care of yourself piggy =D
-Signed off at 8:57 PM
| Wednesday, July 09, 2008
yeah~ went to ding tai fung on monday .. kao .. youth day all the kids.. (sorry ah .. i not TEEN ager loew ... ) lol.. pics- 'hmmm .. wad shld i eat ???'  AH! THIS ! .. crispy golden prawn pancake.. **Licks** haha.. okay.. IDATAKIMASU!   hot!  the pork chop fried rice.. (look at pic nia.. makes me drool loew.. =s) haha okay.. kinda lazy to elaborate .. so yup.. we ordered 2 long of xiao long bao.. shiok.. haha.. yup.. p.s -cf im nt rich .. one wk eat one time nia..
-Signed off at 11:15 PM
| Thursday, July 03, 2008
sashibuli!! okay.. long time no see.. lol some updates.. went to toy and comics convention at suntec on sunday wif boss and cf... yy joined us awhile later.. well main reason to go there is to see the cosplay competition held there.. well.. kinda regretted goin.. the competition cosplayers ... hai.. cmi... hmmm .. saw some other cosplayers there.. the kanda was damn cool.. really looks like the kanda in the anime... waiting for the pics frm yy.. haha.. hmmm after tt went to cherry's pan for dinner.. where delp and jx joined up wif us... had a fun time ... the dinner was nice as well.. okay.. watched get smart ytd... its much better then zohan.. funnier and a better storyline i would say.. after the movie.. xh and me went over to eat teppanyaki at jurong hill which is above jurong bird park.. the food was quite nice.. okay.. it looks quite deserted there.. the restaurant is on the 2nd floor.. there's this small apron thingy which u are supposed to wear so that the wadeva wont splatter on ur clothes.. it looks dumb trust me.. lol.. -.- the chef.. looks Japanese.. but is actually chee*a... we ordered salmon(sauce), mushroom and venison and one garlic fried rice.. everything was nice la.. in short.. lol we searched to find the 'tao gay' (bean sprout) on the menu.. but cant find.. end up its like a complimentary item one.. sure give one.. -.- the whole dish.. mushroom and beansprout the venison the salmon.. kinda regretted calling the sauce one.. tot tat it would be pan fried and covered wif some sauce.. but ended up .. its just cooked in a aluminium foil tray which is filled wif shouyu till its cooked.. well its nice la.. but like short of the chaota (burnt) smell in the fish.. okay forgt take garlic fried rice pic.. total paid bill was 55 bucks.. quite reasonable i would say.. okay ... next movie - wanted , (the pig show), dark knight =DDD
-Signed off at 10:36 PM
okay some updates first up.. enlistment letter has arrived... enlistment date - 12 sept 2008 enlistment time - 2.00pm location- BMT school 2 current one piece episode- 314 =D
-Signed off at 2:09 AM
| Tuesday, April 29, 2008
okay .. back frm HK.. updates frm the trip can be seen frm rence's blog... far too many pics to upload.. well .. onli he got the patience to upload for FOUR FCUKING DAYS.. anyway.. I GROWN FATTER.. =s.. im sorry zo.. regretted laughin at u.. LOL.. tat's bout it.. p.s. - I STILL HAVEN GOT MY ENLISTMENT LETTER... ARGHHHH!!!!
-Signed off at 1:10 PM